In last story we discussed about the ‘Dissatisfaction Among the Indians as the Result of treachorous British Policies’. If you haven’t read that, click on the link and read it. Today, we are going to discuss first and foremost effects of the British Rule In India. Let’s begin.
Condition of Peasants And Agriculture During British Rule:
The British got a new opportunity to increase their income after the aquisition of the Diwani Rights(rights to collect land revenue) of Bengal, Bihar and Orrisa. They started expoliting peasants to earn more revenue, and as a result the peasants became more poorer. Many times the peasants had to sell their jewellery to pay the revenue. A large number of peasants had to borrow money from moneylenders and consequently fell into the debt trap. Farmers lost their land and the agriculture suffered in many regions of India. Moreover, Bengal witnessed a terrible famine in the year 1770 C.E in which lakhs of people died of starvation.
Governor General Lord Cornwallis enforced Permenant Settlement Act in order to collect revenue. As per this act, the company fixed the revenue on an annual basis. The Zamindar(landlords) were given the permenant rights of land and revenue collection. This is how a class of landlords loyal to the Company was created. This Act also ensured the income of the Company. Against this, the peasants who worked hard in the hot sun to cultivate the land and grow works were exploited.
Effects On Social Life On Indians:
Warren Hastings, the person who was given the job of collecting revenue was known as a ‘collector’. He also performed the job of a judge. The British system of administration destroyed our ancient system of the self-rule. In ancient times, every village was like a small republic. Gram Panchayats handled the administration of the entire village. These Pancahyats were like the backbone of the self-rule in our country. These institutions of local self-rule stood their ground even during the times of teh foreign invasions and the Sultanate period but were destroyed due to the administrative policied of the British.
The Policy of the Social Reforms by the Company made people feel insecure and suspicious. They felt that the government was trying to convert them to Christianity and destroy the Indian culture and religion forever. People believed that the Indian social system was delibirately undetemined in railways and military. An order was passed in Agra that every Indian had to salute the British. If it was not done, it was considered a crime and was liable for the punishment.
This were the most devasting effects that India suffered from after the British rule. But there are still number of effects remaining which we will be discussing in the next story.
Till then, Enjoy the Story and Stay Safe!!!
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